Archive for March, 2016
Invisalign: All The Good Ones Get It
According to the American Association of Orthodontics, over four million Americans are undergoing some form of orthodontic treatment at any given time, and anywhere from 40-70% of the population of this great nation have enjoyed the presence of braces. That means that almost every third person you see out and about — enjoying a salad in a café, gulping down a coffee on the bus, eating a bag of carrot sticks while on the commuter grind – was once (in theory) completely restrained from doing so! They did survive, and they bless us with their smiles on the daily.
Gum Disease: Locating a Silent Adversary
Gum disease is often a silent disease. It can progress painlessly and in the later stages of the disease, you still may not notice the subtle signs that point to serious problems. That means that gum disease can creep up on you from the shadows. Don’t allow this to happen! A simple check-up in our office can detect signs of gum disease, allowing us to help you develop a plan to stop it in its tracks. Halting the progression of this disease is very important. If it is allowed to progress, the procedures we must use to stop it become more invasive, leading to more expense and pain down the road.